Previously on Flood Horror, experience II, the streets were flooded even more severely. And the kittens saw it for themselves. And then, I found out that later, this afternoon, heat was on its way. And even though I thought I was out of it, I was wrong. What was I gonna be in for? Is it still possible to get a walk? And will I be able to see Beaumont? Find out now on Flood Horror, part 3, Fortunate Floods, based on a REAL experience.
Well, It was finally back to normal. Birds chirping and all that stuff. But I was wrong. I did finally get to go on a walk, humidity levels high during the jog. My owner and I went on a long jog. Large puddles in the sidewalk didn't block me. I ran through them, as puddles, and waves of water and mud jumped into the air. And when I came back, it was bath time.
I got out of the bath 5 minutes later, and went on a car ride. Where? To the local river. It's always high during a situation like this, so we drove there, and it was pure ARC. ARC stands for American River Club. That river was massive in terms of height of water. We passed the pool. It was overflowing along with a nearby forest campsite, and front yard. We also got ice cream. It tasted like the texture of a Lhasa Apso, a dog part of the Shih-tzu mix. And then, the weather worsened. The wind got harsher. It was raining so hard, you couldn't see through the window due to the rain blockage. Once we got home, one of my sister, Sarah's friends came over.
And then, it happened: THE POWER WENT OUT. And man, that was the worst night I've ever been through. I watched to see the havoc. The streets weren't flooding. Earlier it went rain, heat, rain. Now it's raining. Mom got flashlights, set them all over the place, and lit candles in some places. The worst was now over, but then, I heard a large crackle sound. Then, a huge chunk of tree fell onto the neighbor's blue, shiny truck. Many people rushed to get the branches off. Somebody used an ax, and somebody else used a chainsaw, or whatever they had. But luckily, the truck still properly worked. But the tree people moved the branch onto our sidewalk. It didn't matter anyways.
So my sister's friend's older sister came over to find Sarah's friend, or in this case, her younger sister. They played this game where you answer all these gross questions like, "Would you rather eat food that a stranger just chewed on, or clean between the toes of a stranger with your tongue." So, let's not get there. Eventually, night REALLY came. All of Sarah's friends had left.
Well, It was finally back to normal. Birds chirping and all that stuff. But I was wrong. I did finally get to go on a walk, humidity levels high during the jog. My owner and I went on a long jog. Large puddles in the sidewalk didn't block me. I ran through them, as puddles, and waves of water and mud jumped into the air. And when I came back, it was bath time.
I got out of the bath 5 minutes later, and went on a car ride. Where? To the local river. It's always high during a situation like this, so we drove there, and it was pure ARC. ARC stands for American River Club. That river was massive in terms of height of water. We passed the pool. It was overflowing along with a nearby forest campsite, and front yard. We also got ice cream. It tasted like the texture of a Lhasa Apso, a dog part of the Shih-tzu mix. And then, the weather worsened. The wind got harsher. It was raining so hard, you couldn't see through the window due to the rain blockage. Once we got home, one of my sister, Sarah's friends came over.
And then, it happened: THE POWER WENT OUT. And man, that was the worst night I've ever been through. I watched to see the havoc. The streets weren't flooding. Earlier it went rain, heat, rain. Now it's raining. Mom got flashlights, set them all over the place, and lit candles in some places. The worst was now over, but then, I heard a large crackle sound. Then, a huge chunk of tree fell onto the neighbor's blue, shiny truck. Many people rushed to get the branches off. Somebody used an ax, and somebody else used a chainsaw, or whatever they had. But luckily, the truck still properly worked. But the tree people moved the branch onto our sidewalk. It didn't matter anyways.
So my sister's friend's older sister came over to find Sarah's friend, or in this case, her younger sister. They played this game where you answer all these gross questions like, "Would you rather eat food that a stranger just chewed on, or clean between the toes of a stranger with your tongue." So, let's not get there. Eventually, night REALLY came. All of Sarah's friends had left.
No air conditioning, it was HHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT! The power went out, so until later, the air conditioning was permanently on what it was on when we still had the power: 76 degrees feherenheit. So it was very hot, Mom was sweldering, Sarah was sweating, my brother and Dad were scorching! Later on, at 1:00 in the morning, the TV came on.
"Hi, Chunk E. Genie- Uss here, we have expectancy of power for everyone in our state!" said the TV. "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. Chunky Genius ment that the TV was on, and that the power was on! I was free at last!
So next time, if you have any Flood Horror happen to you, keep in mind that I probably had worse, so anyways, this is Lucy, and the Horror of the flood saying-