
The Flood Horror (An almost comletely True Story)


I remember when I was first born. Oh, how I loved those days. But now, life is a little more "manly" and stuff. Like "helping". Or the more tough stuff. I've done skydiving recently. But there are some scary things that you should be concerned about. Like one time, it was raining really hard. It was the worst storm to happen in my area so far! We had some threatening tornado watches. I was thinking F-5 tornadoes. But luckily no tornado happened. I know something similar that happened. I live in Illinois, so I hope this makes scents.

The hurricane Ich weather from like Louisiana and Alabama and Florida took effect on the weather In Illinois and Wisconsin and maybe Indiana. So it was CRAZY! It was raining. Power was going out at neighborhood houses. But luckily, we had power. It was pretty much a blessing. It was raining horribly hard. The street was like a shallow body of water. Small ripples and waves of water would come toward the sidewalk or the driveway. It didn't matter because the sidewalk was flooded too. And our backyard- not as much, luckily. Our next door neighbors' yard was flooded to depths of water. Man, that water flooded the streets.

Then, when my Mom went down to the basement, she let out that sound that tells you that something wasn't so good. So I took a peek by the basement. And get this: The basement was FLOODED! My jaw dropped! "HOLY CRUD!" was all I could say. I went upstairs to the living room and looked out the window. I figured our basement would be flooded up to sixty-nine inches with all of that water. I barked in panic. I was so scared.

Later on,
the water cleared. Our streets were fine. When all the rain was over, I remember going on a car ride. Many trees were uprooted. I saw one tree that fell on a house! And later on, this became an adventure in life, that I will never forget.

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